Division of General Studies
Lee, Jae-Yon
Assistant Professor / Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)

Jae-Yon Lee
Assistant Professor
Division of General Studies
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
Tel : +82-52-217-2028(O)
Email : jlee2791@unist.ac.kr
Dr. Lee received a B.A. in Korean literature from Yonsei University, his M.A. from Yonsei and Harvard, and his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago’s East Asian Languages and Civilizations program. His specialty is modern Korean literature and research interest includes colonial authors, literary periodicals, and literary sociology along with network analysis. He has lectured at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Chicago. Working on turning his dissertation (“Magazines and the Collective Rise of Literary Writers in Korea, 1919-1927,” 2012) into a book manuscript, Dr. Lee is teaching various courses at UNIST, Korea.
Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago, August 2012
A.M. in Regional Studies East Asia, Harvard University, June 2003
M.A. in Korean Studies, Graduate School of Int’l Studies, Yonsei University, June 2001
B.A. in Korean Literature, Yonsei University, June 1998
“Keywords and Networks: Exploring the Thematic Maps of Kaebyŏk through Topic Modeling,” Sanghur Hakbo, 46 (Spring 2016): 277-334 [in Korean].
“Authors as Creators of Art: The Collaborative Shaping of Literary Writers in Ch’angjo,” Journal of Korean Studies, Vol.20, No.1 (Spring 2015): 77-111.
“Writers, Periodicals, Networks: Exploring the World of Korean Fiction Writers from a Macroscopic Perspective, 1917-1927,” SAI, 17 (November 2014): 257-301 [in Korean].
“On Kim Tong-in’s ‘The World Created by Self” and Yom Sang-sop’s ‘Individuality and Art,’” Acta Koreana, Vol. 11, No. 3 (June 2013): 253-268.
“Contrast in Space and Characters: Han Sŏr-ya’s Counter-Censorship Strategies in the Newspaper Serial, Hwanghon (Dusk, 1936),” Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies Vol. 12, No. 2 (October 2012): 141-163.
“Reading National Heroes from Fantasy: Shin Chae-ho’s ‘The Dream Heaven,’” The Review of Korean Studies Vol. 7, No. 1 (2004): 165–186.
“Literary Distance between the Editorial Narrative and the New Novel in Korean Literature: ‘A Dialogue between a Blind Man and a Cripple’ and Tears of Blood,” Yonsei Korean Studies Forum 1 (2002): 279–299.
Book Chapters
“Kim Tong-in’s Puppeteers: The Liberal Self in Modern Korean Literature,” in the Wiley-Blackwell Companion to World Literature, ed. by Ken Seigneurie, Susan Andrade, Chris Lupke, B. Venkat Mani, Wen-chin Ouyang, and Dan Selden. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, forthcoming.
Book Reviews
“Serk-Bae Suh, Treacherous Translation: Culture, Nationalism, and Colonialism in Korea and Japan from the 1910s to the 1960,” Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1 (April 2016): 125-129.
Translation in Progress
Franco Moretti, Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for Literary History (2005) into Korean
(Seoul: Munhak Tongne, forthcoming, Winter 2016).
Invited Talks and Lectures
“Graphs, Maps, Trees: The Cases of Morphological Interpretations in Literature,” Invited Speaker, Department of Korean Language and Literature, Pusan National University, June 16, 2016 [in Korean].
“Within and without the Text: Recent Trends of Cultural Studies in Literature,” Invited Speaker, BK+ Special Lecture Series, Department of Korean Language and Literature, Kyungpook National University, May 3, 2016 [in Korean].
“Nodes and Edges: Another Way of Reading Texts,” Invited Speaker, Special Lecture Series, Humanities Institute, Pusan National University, April 7, 2016 [in Korean].
“Exploring the Thematic Maps of Kaebyŏk through Topic Modeling,” Comparative Society and Culture Colloquium, Institute of Korean Studies, Yonsei University, Korea, February 22, 2016 [in Korean].
“Writers and Texts in Motion: The Possibilities of Network Analysis in Korean Literature,” Invited Speaker, East Asia Conceptual History Forum, Hallym University, Korea, July 16, 2015 [in Korean].
“Distant Readings: East Asian Literature from a Relational Perspective,” Invited Speaker, HK Forum Series, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on China, Kookmin University, Korea, February 23, 2015 [in Korean].
“Quantitative Approaches in Literature,” Invited Lecture, “Intensive Seminar,” by Dr. Kyeong-Hee Choi, Interdisciplinary Program in Comparative Literature, Seoul National University, Korea, August 25, 2014 [in Korean].
“Formation of the Writers’ Network through 1920s Korean Periodicals,” Invited Speaker, East Asia Forum, East Asia International College, Yonsei University, Wonju Campus, Korea, June 5, 2014.
“Ch’angjo and the Shaping of Writers as the Creators of Art” Invited Lecture, “Core Seminar in East Asian Studies: East Asia in Scholarly Literature,” by Dr. Zhao Ma, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, November 30, 2012.
“A ‘Pushman’ and a Giraffe: Reading of the Temporary Worker in 2000s Korea,” Invited Lecture, “Introduction to Korea and Korean Culture” by Dr. Jung-Hyuck Lee, Notre Dame University, IN April 24, 2012.
“How Did Magazines Contribute to the Establishment of Modern Literature in Korea?,” Invited Speaker, Emory University, GA, February 6, 2012.
“A Man of the Epoch and a Prophet”: The Rise of the Ideological Critic in Kaebyǒk,” Invited Speaker, Korean Literature and Culture Lecture Series, Stanford University, CA, January 17, 2012.
“Middle and Late Chosŏn Seen through The Tale of Ch’unhyang and ‘The Story of Master Hŏ,’” Invited Lecture, “Introduction to East Asian Civilization: Korea,” by Dr. Kyeong-Hee Choi, University of Chicago, IL, April 28, 2010.
Workshops and Conference Presentations
“Kaebyŏk, Chosŏn Mundan, and Corpus Analysis: Tracing the Language of Literary Reviews in 1920s Korean Literature,” Invited Speaker, Hallym Academy of Science Conference: “Digital Humanities and the Future of Conceptual History,” Hallym University, Korea, May 13, 2016 [in Korean].
Panel Chair and Discussant: “Languages, Ideas, and Periodicals: Mediators of Shaping Modern Literature in Japan and Korea,” Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, Washington University in St. Louis, MO, October 16, 2015.
Presenter: “Topic Maps: Unveiling Interactions between Romanticism and Realism in Kaebyŏk.”
“Keywords and the Intellectual Landscape of Kaebyŏk in Korea,” Asian Studies Conference in Japan, Meiji Gakuin University, Japan, June 20, 2015.
“Korea’s Literary Technoscape: Exploring the 1920s Writers’ Network,” Asian Studies Association of Australia Biannual Conference, Perth, Australia, July 9, 2014.
“Teaching Korean Literature in English in an Engineering University in Korea,” International Communication Foundation Korean Literature Symposium, Ewha Woman’s University, Korea, July 4, 2014.
“From ‘Coterie Magazines’ to ‘Writers’ Networks’: Another Perspective on 1920s Korean Literature,” Brown Bag Colloquium, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, October 18, 2013 [in Korean].
“A General Interest Magazine and the Shaping of Literary Expression in 1920s Korea,” Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA, January 3-6, 2013.
“A Man of the Epoch and a Prophet”: The Rise of the Ideological Critic in Kaebyǒk,” Art and Politics of East Asia Workshop, University of Chicago, IL, January 6, 2012.
“Contested Public in Translation,” The Politics of Public Space in Korea Conference, University of Pennsylvania, PA, November 11–12, 2011.
“Criticism in the Making: The Co-Emergence of the Social and the Literary in Kaebyŏk (The Opening of the World, 1920–26),” Art and Politics of East Asia Workshop, University of Chicago, IL, February 12, 2010.
“Aesthetics of Self-Awakening: The Making of Writers through Fiction and Critical Essays in Literary Coterie Magazines, 1919–1923,” Southeastern Conference, Association for Asian Studies, Emory University, GA, January 17, 2009.
“A Short Story and the Band of Writers: Chŏn Yŏngt’aek’s Spring of Life and a Literary Coterie Magazine, Ch’angjo (Creation),” Art and Politics of East Asia Workshop, University of Chicago, IL, June 6, 2008.
“Visualizing Direct Speech: The Dramatic Editorial at the Turn of 20th Century,” Art and Politics of East Asia Workshop, University of Chicago, IL, October 29, 2004.
POSCO Foundation Asia Research Grant, 2016-2017
Research Grant for Junior Scholars, National Research Foundation of Korea, 2014-2015
Outstanding E-Education Awards, Ulsan Nat’l Institute of Sci. and Tech., Korea, 2014
The Article of Yearly Distinction, Min. of Education & Nat’l Research Foundation of Korea, 2013
Korea Foundation Fellowship for Graduate Studies, 2008–2010
Selected Participant, Social Science Research Council Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop, 2009
Daesan Foundation Scholarship for Korean Studies Overseas, 2002–2003